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Twilio SMS FAQ

My Twilio number already has a connection with an external service, will it work with Sunshine Conversations?

Twilio only allows for one web hook endpoint per number:

If Sunshine Conversations is being added to an existing number, try to remove the Twilio integration on your Sunshine Conversations dashboard and re-integrate it.

If this doesn’t work, you will need to manually delete the web hook manually and re-integrate.

To do so, you should delete the Messaging Request URL on your Twilio number dashboard and reconnect the Twilio integration in the Sunshine Conversations dashboard.

I’ve connected my Twilio account but I’m unable to receive any messages

The issue can come from many things:

  • If you’re on the trial period of Twilio, the back and forth between Slack and Twilio only works with the “real” phone number you provide Twilio during the sign-up. You may upgrade your Twilio account for testing with other phone numbers.

  • We haven’t set the web hook correctly. On your Twilio dashboard, check:

    • If you are not a licensed Zendesk customer, does your URL start with https://app.smooch.io/api/twilio/webhooks/ next to Messaging URL?
    • If you are a licensed Zendesk customer, does your URL start with https://<subdomain>.zendesk.com/sc/api/twilio/webhook/?

    If your URL does not start with either of these patterns:

    1. Remove the webhook URL.
    2. Save the configuration in Twilio.
    3. Remove the integration from Sunshine Conversations and try to add it again.

How does Sunshine Conversations work with Twilio?

Sunshine Conversations allows you to send and receive Twilio SMS and MMS from within any connected business system or API. With this, you can do awesome things like handle SMS/MMS from your customers in Slack, or even build software that can easily speak to your customers across SMS, Facebook Messenger, WeChat and every other channel that Sunshine Conversations supports.

Why am I the only one to see the Twilio messages?

If you have a Twilio test account, you can only have a conversation with the number of the Twilio account owner.

Can I connect multiple Twilio number with the same Slack account?

You can certainly make this work in Sunshine Conversations’ Twilio integration.

To do so, simply set up a separate Sunshine Conversations app for each SMS/MMS number you have. You can then point each Sunshine Conversations app to the same Slack team.

Can I use a Twilio Messaging Service with Sunshine Conversations?

Yes, you can integrate your Twilio Messaging Service with your Sunshine Conversations app. You can read more about how Messaging Services work with Sunshine Conversations in the guide page.

Our user are getting: “we couldn’t connect this number, please try again” when trying to connect their number to our web conversation

In your Twilio settings, try to change your “Messaging Geographic Permissions”.