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Quick reference

Link button%[]()%[Button label](http://anyurl.com)
Reply button%[](reply:)%[Button label](reply:PAYLOAD)
Postback button%[](postback:)%[Button label ](postback:PAYLOAD)
Location request button%[](location)%[Button label](location)
Payment button$[]()$[Button label here](25.00)
Template message%((template:))% or %{{template:}}%%((template:TEMPLATE_NAME))%
WhatsApp Message Template &((namespace=[[namespace]] template=[[template]] fallback=[[text_fallback]] language=[[language]] body_text=[[param_1]]))&

WhatsApp Message Template - What do we mean by fallback

Text fallback will usually be ignored. Instead, the message field in the conversation record will be populated automatically by Message Template Reconstruction using the template definition from the WhatsApp Manager. With Message Template Reconstruction disabled, the fallback text is saved to the conversation record and sent to the user’s non-WhatsApp channels.

Composing structured messages with inline syntax

A combination of text (optional), image, and button will be sent to end-users as a card.

For example:

Pre-wrapped cat
%[Purchase cat](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tntOCGkgt98/maxresdefault.jpg)

Will result in:

structured message

Sending a series of quick reply messages together:


Will be displayed in the Web Messenger as:

quick replies

Sending template message with inline syntax

The template message with the name provided in the shorthand will be sent after leading text.

For example:


Will send the template titled “cat-purchase” to the user.

How would you like to buy a cat? %((template:cat-purchase))%

Will first send: “How would you like to buy a cat?”, then it will send the template titled “cat-purchase” to the user.

For more information on creation and management of templates, see our guide.