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More than 1.5 billion global monthly users in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. WhatsApp offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world. Now open to enterprises in early access, WhatsApp is poised to be the world’s most powerful business messaging channel.

Channel overview

WhatsApp is a channel that is built fundamentally on trust, safety and privacy. One of the reasons why so many people use WhatsApp is because it’s spam and advertisement free. To this day, users have only been able to receive messages from the people they care about, and WhatsApp guarantees that their messages are secure and encrypted so nobody else can have access to their conversations.

WhatsApp API for businesses means that enterprise software can be used to message customers over WhatsApp. It can be used to respond to customer service requests, to resolve urgent customer issues, to deliver timely notifications (receipts, account updates, gate changes, confirmations, etc.), to automate responses for frequently asked questions, and it can also be integrated into a CRM system to track ticket resolution and enrich customer data.

WhatsApp has introduced a new cloud-based integration option called Cloud API that is hosted by Meta. You can now access the WhatsApp business platform through existing on-premise APIs or through the Cloud API. When using the Cloud API, software upgrades are maintained by Meta and are automatically available. A system message on the WhatsApp client shows whether the business is using the Cloud API or other options. Every WhatsApp message is protected by the same encryption protocol that secures messages, regardless of where it is hosted. Sunshine Conversations recommends that new customers interested in using WhatsApp use the Cloud API, if available. For information on setting up WhatsApp with Cloud API, see Adding WhatsApp channels to the Zendesk Agent Workspace.



WhatsApp approval is required for all businesses to enter the program. You can learn more about their commerce policy here to know if your business qualifies.

Business Profile

You can configure key business information for each number connected to WhatsApp using our Update Integration Profile API or through the WhatsApp Integration Dashboard page in the Dashboard.

  • A profile picture
  • Address of business
  • Description of business
  • Email for business contact
  • Business vertical/industry
  • Business website

The business profile is shown to end users in the contact entry corresponding to the connected phone number.


WhatsApp supports a wide variety of capabilities as seen in the channel capabilities grid. Below is a detailed view of each capability.

Content Types

  • Text

    Full SupportAPI
  • Image

    Full SupportAPI
  • Audio

    Full SupportAPI
  • File

    Full SupportAPI
  • Emoji

    Full SupportAPI
  • GIF

    Partial SupportAPI
  • Location

    Full SupportAPI

Action Types

  • Link

    Partial SupportAPI
  • Extension

    Partial SupportAPI
  • Postback

    Partial SupportAPI
  • Reply

    Full SupportAPI
  • Location Request

    Partial SupportAPI

Structured Messages

  • Compound Message

    Partial SupportAPI
  • Carousel

    Partial SupportAPI


  • Read

    Full SupportAPI

Outbound Messaging

  • Notification

    Full SupportAPI

Delivery Events

Delivery events allow you to track deliveries of Sunshine Conversations messages to WhatsApp by subscribing to the conversation:message:delivery:channel webhook. Sunshine Conversations also tracks user deliveries on WhatsApp which let you confirm whether a message has reached the user by listening to the conversation:message:delivery:user webhook. Failures to deliver a message to WhatsApp or to a WhatsApp user can be detected by subscribing to the conversation:message:delivery:failure webhook.

The WhatsApp message IDs associated with each Sunshine Conversations message are available in delivery event payloads in the externalMessages property.


Audio messages are rendered with an audio player and display the caption in a separate text message. When a file is larger than 5MB or has an extension not included in the following list: .aac, .mp4, .amr, .mp3, .opus, and .ogg it will be sent as a link; otherwise it will be rendered natively in the conversation. Moreover, if an error is detected when sending an audio message, the message will instead be delivered as a text message containing a link.

Quoted Messages

WhatsApp allows users to quote a specific message in a reply.

When receiving a reply, WhatsApp only includes the reference id of the quoted message. Sunshine Conversations uses this external message id to match it to a message present in the conversation history and provide the full message content within the message:appUser webhooks (example below). If the message can’t be matched or is older than 60 days, the external message id is still provided. See quoted messages for details.

    "app": {
        "id": "5963c0d619a30a2e00de36b8"
    "webhook": {
        "id": "5f4eaef81e3dcc117c7ba48a",
        "version": "v2"
    "events": [
            "id": "5f74a0d52b5315fc007e798a",
            "createdAt": "2020-09-30T15:14:29.834Z",
            "type": "conversation:message",
            "payload": {
                "conversation": {
                    "id": "f52b01137aa6c250bc7251fa",
                    "type": "personal"
                "message": {
                    "id": "5f74c7d84a146f3abd72af1d",
                    "received": "2020-09-30T18:00:56.820Z",
                    "author": {
                        "userId": "26508c10541a4b0ff472e5e2",
                        "avatarUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/avatar.jpg",
                        "displayName": "Steve Rogers",
                        "type": "user",
                        "user": {
                            "id": "26508c10541a4b0ff472e5e2",
                            "externalId": "912382197"
                    "content": {
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "hello"
                    "source": {
                        "type": "whatsapp",
                        "integrationId": "daf6e616c2a637261bd9656c",
                        "originalMessageId": "5a1c9fc63905320d87fb5ff1",
                        "originalMessageTimestamp": "2020-09-30T19:00:00.000Z"
                    "quotedMessage": {
                        "type": "message",
                        "message": {
                            "id": "55c8c1498590aa1900b9b9b1",
                            "received": "2020-09-30T18:00:56.000Z",
                            "author": {
                                "type": "business"
                            "content": {
                                "type": "image",
                                "mediaUrl": "http://example.org/image.jpg"
                            "source": {
                                "type": "whatsapp",
                                "integrationId": "daf6e616c3a637261bd9656f",
                                "originalMessageId": "5a1c9fc63905320d87fb5ff1",
                                "originalMessageTimestamp": "2020-09-30T18:00:56.000Z"

WhatsApp Message Us Button

In order to make WhatsApp easily discoverable on your website, you can add the WhatsApp “Message Us” button plugin.

Your customers will be able to use this button to immediately start a conversation with your business on WhatsApp. When on desktop, clicking the button will bring the user to web.whatsapp.com. When using a mobile device, the WhatsApp native app will be opened on the user’s device if available, otherwise they will be taken to web.whatsapp.com.

Quick setup

WhatsApp Message Us Button

In order to render the default button, you need to include the following code snippet in the page, where you would like the button to be rendered. The snippet requires, at a minimum, your WhatsApp phone number to generate the base button.

<div class="wa-message-us" number="15551234567">
    <script src="https://cdn.smooch.io/whatsapp/message-us-btn.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

For more advanced customizations, you can use the custom attributes that are available.

Button Attributes

AttributesDefault   valueDescription
This value must be included as it is needed to generate your custom button.
This is your WhatsApp Business number without spaces, dashes or special characters .
label“Message Us on WhatsApp”Optional
You can customize the button label.
This is the text that is prefilled in the user’s chat input when WhatsApp opens.
You can set your preferred button color. Choose between white , green and teal .
You can set your preferred button size. Choose between compact and standard .
Set the border-radius of the button. You will need to include the unit as well, either px or %

If any of the optional attributes are omitted, the default value will be used.

All of the attributes above should be placed in the snippet as html attributes of the div:

    color="<teal | green | white>"
    size="<standard | compact>"
    <script src="https://cdn.smooch.io/whatsapp/message-us-btn.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Here are some examples of buttons with only changes to the color and size attributes:

TealWhatsApp Message Us Button - TealWhatsApp Message Us Button - Teal Compact
GreenWhatsApp Message Us Button - GreenWhatsApp Message Us Button - Green Compact
WhiteWhatsApp Message Us Button - WhiteWhatsApp Message Us Button - White Compact

Sample snippet with all attributes

    label="Contact Us"
    pre_filled_message="I need help"
    <script src="https://cdn.smooch.io/whatsapp/message-us-btn.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

This snippet will generate the following button, and will pre-fill the user chat input with “I need help”:

WhatsApp Custom Button

WhatsApp Reply Button

Reply buttons allow users to quickly and easily reply using the available options. A reply button, once tapped, inserts a reply on behalf of the user. Each reply button has an associated payload which uniquely identifies the intent of the action. You can add a maximum of three buttons to your template.

This section describes WhatsApp reply buttons using structured messages. You can also create reply buttons using the passthrough API.

You can send a reply button with the following syntax:

%[Button label here](reply:PAYLOAD_HERE)

By using the API, you can have more control over the presentation of reply buttons. For example, the following is a Dinner? button with three options or actions.

const apiInstance = new SunshineConversationsApi.MessagesApi();
const data = new SunshineConversationsApi.MessagePost();
data.author = {
    type: 'business'
data.content = {
    "role": "appMaker",
    "type": "text",
    "text": "Dinner?",
    "actions": [
            "type": "reply",
            "text": "Tacos",
            "payload": "TACOS"
            "type": "reply",
            "text": "Burritos",
            "payload": "BURRITOS"
            "type": "reply",
            "text": "Pizza",
            "payload": "PIZZA"
apiInstance.postMessage(appId, conversationId, data)
    .then(response => /* success */)
    .catch(error => /* failure */);

Note the following:

  • The payload attribute must be unique for all actions. If the payload attribute is not unique, the message is not sent. You can track unsent messages using the “Delivery failure” webhook.

  • All actions must be type reply for the message to be sent as a Reply message, otherwise the message is sent as text.

  • If the text attribute for the button (not the action) is not supplied, a dash (-) is used instead. For example:

    Dash instead of text

The following are constraints when specifying actions:

  • When sending three or less actions:

    • Messages are sent as a Reply message.

    • Image messages are supported.

  • When sending between four and ten actions:

    • Messages are sent as a List message.

    • WhatsApp List Messages require a Button Text however that is not supported by Sunshine Conversations. A dash (-) is used instead.

    • Image messages are not supported (a limitation of List). Instead, images are sent as a separate message.

  • When sending more than ten actions:

    • Only the first ten actions are sent. The remainder are truncated.

See Sending Interactive Messages for examples of text, list, and reply messages.

WhatsApp Message Templates

For an overview of WhatsApp Message Templates, please read this guide before proceeding with the instructions below.

WhatsApp provides their own templated message mechanism. WhatsApp Message Templates are plain text messages that are individually approved by the WhatsApp team to ensure they do not violate the WhatsApp policies. Businesses must use message templates when first reaching out to users or when sending a message 24h after the last message from the user. This type of message is paid.

Creating Message Templates

If Sunshine Conversations manages your WhatsApp Business Account, you can use the Sunshine Conversations dashboard to create a message template. If you are using the WhatsApp Cloud API (the embedded flow using Zendesk Admin Center), you create message templates directly in your WhatsApp business account.

For information on Sunshine Conversations WhatsApp message template APIs, see WhatsApp Message Templates.

  1. Navigate to the WhatsApp Integration Dashboard page in the Dashboard.

  2. Select the Message Templates tab.

  3. Choose a Category from the dropdown list.

  4. Create a unique Name. The name can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores ( _ ). No other characters or whitespaces are allowed. The message template name is not customer facing; it is only used for internal purposes.

  5. Choose the Language from the dropdown list. If you want to add an additional language to an existing message template, be sure to enter the same message template name in the previous step.

  6. (optional) Choose a Header type from the dropdown list. Available types are Text, Image, and Document. If type Text is selected, then you must enter the Header Text.

  7. Enter the Body text. Refer to the examples and guidelines provided by Facebook.

    Example of a shipping update:

    "Your order {{1}} for a total of {{2}} is confirmed. The expected delivery is {{3}}."

    Notice the {{1}} {{2}} {{3}} parameters that allow you to personalize the message being sent.

  8. (optional) Enter the Footer text.

  9. (optional) Enter any Buttons you want to add.

    • For a reply button, simply enter the button text.
    • For a phone number button, simply enter the phone number.
    • For a url button, enter the website. Append {{1}} in order to make the URL dynamic.
  10. Select Submit.

Download Message Templates CSV

Select the Download templates (.CSV) link in the Message Templates tab of your WhatsApp Integration Dashboard page in the Dashboard to view the status of Facebook’s review of the message templates.

Sending Message Templates

WhatsApp’s Message Templates can be used to send messages via:

If Message Template Reconstruction is enabled, the message is automatically converted to the Sunshine Conversations schema to be stored in the conversation record. It will reflect the message that the user received.

Post Message API

Using the Post Message API, WhatsApp Message Templates can be sent using "schema": "whatsapp" and populating the content key using the native WhatsApp schema.

To confirm that the conversation is linked to WhatsApp before sending a WhatsApp Message Template, you can optionally specify a destination object in the payload to leverage the additional validation provided by channel targeting. If WhatsApp is not linked to the target conversation, a 404 client_not_found error will be returned.

Example requests

POST /v2/apps/{appId}/conversations/{conversationId}/messages
Template with no components
    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "schema": "whatsapp",
    "content": {
        "type": "template",
        "template": {
            "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "name": "hello_world",
            "language": {
                "policy": "deterministic",
                "code": "en_US"
    "destination": {
        "integrationType": "whatsapp"
Message with body variables
    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "schema": "whatsapp",
    "content": {
        "type": "template",
        "template": {
            "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "name": "hello_world",
            "language": {
                "policy": "deterministic",
                "code": "en_US"
            "components": [
                    "type": "body",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "My User Name"
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "My Agent Name"
    "destination": {
        "integrationType": "whatsapp"
Message with header variables
    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "schema": "whatsapp",
    "content": {
        "type": "template",
        "template": {
            "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "name": "hello_world",
            "language": {
                "policy": "deterministic",
                "code": "en_US"
            "components": [
                    "type": "header",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "My Title"
    "destination": {
        "integrationType": "whatsapp"
Message with header image
    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "schema": "whatsapp",
    "content": {
        "type": "template",
        "template": {
            "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "name": "hello_world",
            "language": {
                "policy": "deterministic",
                "code": "en_US"
            "components": [
                    "type": "header",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "image",
                            "image": {
                                "link": "https://image.jpg"
    "destination": {
        "integrationType": "whatsapp"
Message with header document
    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "schema": "whatsapp",
    "content": {
        "type": "template",
        "template": {
            "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "name": "hello_world",
            "language": {
                "policy": "deterministic",
                "code": "en_US"
            "components": [
                    "type": "header",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "document",
                            "document": {
                                "link": "https://document.pdf",
                                "filename": "My Document"
    "destination": {
        "integrationType": "whatsapp"
Message with quick reply buttons
    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "schema": "whatsapp",
    "content": {
        "type": "template",
        "template": {
            "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "name": "hello_world",
            "language": {
                "policy": "deterministic",
                "code": "en_US"
            "components": [
                    "type": "button",
                    "sub_type": "quick_reply",
                    "index": "0",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "payload",
                            "payload": "TALK_TO_AGENT"
                    "type": "button",
                    "sub_type": "quick_reply",
                    "index": "1",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "payload",
                            "payload": "MORE_QUESTIONS"
                    "type": "button",
                    "sub_type": "quick_reply",
                    "index": "2",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "payload",
                            "payload": "GOODBYE"
    "destination": {
        "integrationType": "whatsapp"
Message with dynamic url button
    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "schema": "whatsapp",
    "content": {
        "type": "template",
        "template": {
            "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "name": "hello_world",
            "language": {
                "policy": "deterministic",
                "code": "en_US"
            "components": [
                    "type": "button",
                    "sub_type": "url",
                    "index": "1",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "ticket.pdf"
    "destination": {
        "integrationType": "whatsapp"
Message with header image, body variables, 3 quick replies
    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "schema": "whatsapp",
    "content": {
        "type": "template",
        "template": {
            "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "name": "hello_world",
            "language": {
                "policy": "deterministic",
                "code": "en_US"
            "components": [
                    "type": "header",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "image",
                            "image": {
                                "link": "https://image.jpg"
                    "type": "body",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "My User Name"
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "My Agent Name"
                    "type": "button",
                    "sub_type": "quick_reply",
                    "index": "0",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "payload",
                            "payload": "TALK_TO_AGENT"
                    "type": "button",
                    "sub_type": "quick_reply",
                    "index": "1",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "payload",
                            "payload": "MORE_QUESTIONS"
                    "type": "button",
                    "sub_type": "quick_reply",
                    "index": "2",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "payload",
                            "payload": "GOODBYE"
    "destination": {
        "integrationType": "whatsapp"

Shorthand Syntax

You can easily send templated messages on WhatsApp using the Sunshine Conversations’ rich message syntax within a plain text message.

    header_filename=[[My File]]

namespace: The namespace within which the Message Template is defined (WhatsApp portal)

template: The name or “element_name” of your Message Template (WhatsApp portal)

language: The language of your Message Template (WhatsApp portal)

body_text: A variable in the list of parameters that will be inserted into the relevant fields in the Message Template. This can be provided as many times as the amount of variables in the template. For a template without variables, this should not be used.

header_image/header_document/header_text: The variable text or media url that will be used for the header of the message. You can’t use more than one header. For header_image or header_document, the url to the media must be provided.

header_filename: The variable file name that will be used to title the header_document file sent to WhatsApp. This can only appear directly after header_document.

button_index: The variable button index that will be used in the button component of the message. This must be supplied before button_url or button_payload, and it must match the index of the button in the actual WhatsApp template.

button_payload: The variable payload used for quick reply actions sent to WhatsApp. This must be supplied after button_index. The payload will be reflected in the resulting webhook.

button_url: The variable used for dynamic URL actions sent to WhatsApp. This must be supplied after button_index. The value will be appended to the dynamic URL set in the WhatsApp Message Template.

fallback: Text fallback will usually be ignored, instead the message.text field in the conversation record will be populated automatically by Message Template Reconstruction using the template definition from the WhatsApp Manager. With Message Template Reconstruction disabled, the fallback text is saved to the conversation record and sent to the user’s non-WhatsApp channels.

We recommend that you save several versions of your Message Template as “canned messages” or “saved agent replies” in your system so that agents can quickly customize and send these messages without typing the entirety of the syntax.

Old syntax (deprecated)

We also support the old shorthand syntax:

&[Welcome Bob, I’m Joe](XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX, hello_world, Bob, Joe)

When using this syntax to send templated messages, by default en-US will be used as the language. The language can be configured via the integration API.

Message Template Reconstruction

Message Template Reconstruction enables the conversation history stored by Sunshine Conversations to reflect the message as seen by the user, so that all the software connected to the conversation (e.g. agent software or bot platform) have the full context. Sunshine Conversations leverage the Business Management API to connects to your WhatsApp Manager an achieve the reconstruction. This is an optional process that has no impact on the end-user view on WhatsApp.

Message templates must be sent using schema via the API or the shorthand syntax for Message Template Reconstruction to work.

Conversion Table

WhatsApp componentWhatsApp component valueReconstructed message propertyNotes
Header textText: “Header title: {{1}}”“text”: “Header title: TITLE”Reconstructed header text will always appear at the start of the text property
Header imageURL: Defined at send time“type”: “image”,

“mediaUrl”: ” https://example.png
Message type will also be set to “image”
Header documentURL: Defined at send time“type”: “file”,

“mediaUrl”: ” https://example.pdf
Message type will also be set to “file”.
Body textText: “Hi {{1}} {{2}}, how can we help you?”“text”: “Hi First Last, how can we help you?”Reconstructed body text will always appear after header text in the text property
Footer textText: “Thank you for contacting Acme”“text”: “Thank you for contacting Acme”Reconstructed footer text will always appear at the end of the text property
Reply buttonButton text: “Yes”

Payload: Defined at send time
“actions[].type”: “reply”,

“actions[].text”: “Yes”,

“actions[].payload”: “YES”
Buttons will be converted into appropriate Sunshine Conversation actions
Phone number buttonButton text: “Call me”

“actions[].type”: “link”,

“actions[].text”: “Call me”,

“actions[].uri”: “tel://+15141112222”
Buttons will be converted into appropriate Sunshine Conversation actions
URL buttonButton text: “Visit site”

URL: https://smooch.io/{{1}}
“actions[].type”: “link”,

“actions[].text”: “Visit site”,

“actions[].uri”: ” https://smooch.io/pricing
Buttons will be converted into appropriate Sunshine Conversation actions

Full example:

WhatsApp component:

HEADER: {{some_image}}
BODY: Your order {{1}} for a total of {{2}} is confirmed. The expected delivery is {{3}}.
FOOTER: Thank you for shopping with us!
BUTTONS[0]: "Thanks!"
BUTTONS[1]: "I would like to place another order."

Resulting message after reconstruction:

"type": "image",
"mediaUrl": "https://example/image.png",
"text": "Your order # 1234 for a total of $12.21 is confirmed. The expected delivery is August 15th, 2020.\n\nThank you for shopping with us!",
"actions": [{
    "type": "reply",
    "text": "Thanks!",
    "payload": "THANK_YOU"
}, {
    "type": "reply",
    "text": "I would like to place another order.",
    "payload": "PLACE_NEW_ORDER"


To take advantage of reconstruction, the WhatsApp integration requires a accountId and an accountManagementAccessToken to be set.

When using the Sunshine Conversations dashboard, the accountId and accountManagementAccessToken are populated automatically if your WhatsApp Business Account is managed by Sunshine Conversations or if you connect a Facebook account during the integration.

When using the deployments API, include the accountId and an accountManagementAccessToken properties in the request to the Create Integration API.

Existing integrations can be updated with the accountId and an accountManagementAccessToken properties with the Update Integration API.

The accountId refers to a WhatsApp Business Account ID, which can be found under WhatsApp Accounts in your business settings page.

Retrieving the WhatsApp Business Account ID

See the WhatsApp Business Management API documentation for details on how to acquire an access token from your users.

Language Selection

The text of the message will contain one of the translations of the Message Template; The order of precedence is determined by:

  1. The language.code in the message.
  2. The HSM language fallback (hsmFallbackLanguage) configured via the Integration API.
  3. The first variation of en_* found.

Message Template Default Fallback

When reconstruction is not enabled, or if a fallback is not specified (in the case of the shorthand syntax) the resulting message will have a predefined fallback that doesn’t include the content of the Message Template, making it hard to parse the conversation history later on.

The text of the message will contain the following fallback if reconstruction is not enabled:

WhatsApp HSM (This message can only be displayed in WhatsApp)


WhatsApp allows for basic formatting in messages. To format a message, or a part of a message, use the formatting symbols described in the following table:

Formatting Symbol Example

Asterisk (*)

Your total is *$10.50*


Underscore (_)

Welcome to _WhatsApp_


Tilde (~)

This is ~better~ best!


Three backquote/backtick (```)

```print 'Hello World';```

How to enable the channel

Create a WhatsApp API Client

To connect WhatsApp for production usage, you first need to deploy a WhatsApp API client. Sunshine Conversations can host and manage a new WhatsApp API client or your own client using the deployments API, or you can deploy your own client following WhatsApp’s instructions. In both cases you can manage the API client using using the deployments API or the Sunshine Conversations dashboard.

Using the deployments API

WhatsApp API client deployment flow

  1. Create the deployment using the create deployment endpoint. Call this endpoint with ‘hosting:smooch’ to deploy a new API client on the Sunshine Conversations infrastructure, or with ‘hosting:self’ to manage your own API client. If you are using the self hosted option, you will need to provide the API client’s baseUrl, username and password. In both cases, Sunshine Conversations will return a deployment_id to be used in subsequent API calls.
  2. Activate your deployment using the activate deployment endpoint. This step requires a phone number and a verified name certificate which can be found in WhatsApp Account (WABA). If your self hosted API client is already activated you can skip this step.
  3. Confirm the registration code received from the previous step using the confirm phone number endpoint. If your self hosted API client is already activated you can skip this step.
Connect a WhatsApp API client to an App

Once your WhatsApp API client is deployed and registered with a WhatsApp phone number, you can integrate it with your app by using the Integration API and providing the deploymentId.

Using the dashboard

To add the WhatsApp channel integration:

  1. In the Sunshine Conversations dashboard, click the app where you want to integrate WhatsApp or create a new one.

  2. Click Connect Integrations.

  3. Expand the Customer Channels section, select WhatsApp and click Connect.

  4. Select the Production integration mode.

  5. For WABA (WhatsApp Business Account) Management, select It’s managed by Sunshine Conversations, then click Chat with us and fill out the request form.

    Do not select the I manage it option unless instructed to do so by Technical Support. This option is for BSPs only.

Testing your integration

To test your WhatsApp integration, follow the steps in Adding WhatsApp social messaging channels.

How to start conversations

Outbound messaging

To initiate a conversation with a user for whom you know the phone number, you can use the Notification API. For more information on outbound messaging, consult the guide.

Initiate a conversation with a user on WhatsApp by making a request to the Notifications endpoint:

curl https://api.smooch.io/v1.1/apps/5963c0d619a30a2e00de36b8/notifications \
     -X POST \
     -d '{
         "destination": {
               "integrationId": "5e1f438bf99fb467810c0ab9",
               "destinationId": "+15145555333"
          "author": {
               "role": "appMaker"
          "message": {
               "type": "text",
               "text": "This is a sample notification."
     }' \
     -H 'content-type: application/json' \
     --user 'keyId:keySecret'

The Notification API also supports WhatsApp Message Templates. Like regular messages, templated messages can be sent to a user by making a request to the Notifications endpoint.

Send a templated text message:

curl https://api.smooch.io/v1.1/apps/5963c0d619a30a2e00de36b8/notifications \
     -X POST \
     -d '{
         "destination": {
               "integrationId": "5e1f438bf99fb467810c0ab9",
               "destinationId": "+15145555333"
          "author": {
               "role": "appMaker"
          "messageSchema": "whatsapp",
          "message": {
               "type": "template",
               "template": {
                    "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
                    "name": "sample_template",
                    "language": {
                         "policy": "deterministic",
                         "code": "en"
                    "components": [
                              "type": "body",
                              "parameters": [
                                        "type": "text",
                                        "text": "Sample Notification"
                                        "type": "text",
                                        "text": "Sample Notification"
     }' \
     -H 'content-type: application/json' \
     --user 'keyId:keySecret'

Send a templated media message:

curl https://api.smooch.io/v1.1/apps/5963c0d619a30a2e00de36b8/notifications \
     -X POST \
     -d '{
         "destination": {
               "integrationId": "5e1f438bf99fb467810c0ab9",
               "destinationId": "+5145555333"
          "author": {
               "role": "appMaker"
          "messageSchema": "whatsapp",
          "message": {
               "type": "template",
               "template": {
                    "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
                    "name": "sample_template",
                    "language": {
                         "policy": "deterministic",
                         "code": "en"
                    "components": [
                              "type": "header",
                              "parameters": [
                                        "type": "document",
                                        "image": {
                                             "link": "smooch.io/sunshine-conversations.jpg"
                              "type": "body",
                              "parameters": [
                                        "type": "text",
                                        "text": "Sample Notification"
     }' \
     -H 'content-type: application/json' \
     --user 'keyId:keySecret'


    "type": "whatsapp",
    "phoneNumber": "+15555555555",
    "confirmation": {
        "type": "immediate",
        "message": {
            "role": "appMaker",
            "text": "Hello there",
            "type": "text",
            "override": {
                "whatsapp": {
                    "payload": {
                        "type": "template",
                        "template": {
                            "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
                            "element_name": "hello_world",
                            "language": {
                                "policy": "deterministic",
                                "code": "en_US"
                            "localizable_params": [
                                    "default": "My User Name"
                                    "default": "My Agent Name"

User initiated

Users can start a conversation with a business in two ways

  • Creating a new contact in WhatsApp and using the business’s WhatsApp phone number
  • Following a WhatsApp link

You can easily create a deep link to automatically redirect user to a business in WhatsApp. The format of the deep link is as follows:


For more information on formatting a deep link, see the “using click to chat” documentation.

Merging duplicate users

Sometimes, multiple users can be created that match a single phone number. The most common situation is when you send a notification or create a client with a phone number that does not perfectly match the user’s number in WhatsApp. WhatsApp will accept and deliver the message, but when the user replies, they will send back a different externalId. The existing client will not be found and a new user and client will be created to receive the message.

For example, suppose a user signs up for WhatsApp with their mobile phone, and then their number changes due to number rules changing in their country. A user could sign up to WhatsApp with number +55 82 999-9999, then their number changes to +55 82 9999-9999. When this happens, WhatsApp recognizes +55 82 9999-9999 as a valid number but still has the user’s internal ID set to +55 82 999-9999.

Once you have determined that these users are duplicates and are in fact the same person, merge the users making sure to select the user you want to survive.

Passthrough API

The passthrough API is a way to send message types for which there is no corresponding Sunshine Conversations type. To accomplish this, the developer provides with the raw payload to send to the messaging provider’s API, and the Sunshine Conversations platform will “pass it through”.

To use the passthrough API, you first craft a valid message of any type, then you specify an additional override parameter for the channels you would like to use passthrough. Under the channel name (in this case WhatsApp), the payload field contains the exact structure of a valid WhatsApp API call to the Send Messages endpoint.


    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "content": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Hello there"
    "override": {
        "whatsapp": {
            "payload": {
                "type": "template",
                "template": {
                    "namespace": "XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX",
                    "element_name": "hello_world",
                    "language": {
                        "policy": "deterministic",
                        "code": "en_US"
                    "components": [
                            "type": "header",
                            "parameters": [
                                    "type": "image",
                                    "image": {
                                        "link": "https://image.jpg"

The above example depicts a simple override example, where the text message will render as “Hello there” on every channel except WhatsApp, where it would render a message based on the referenced WhatsApp Message Template. Note that all fields under payload in the above example (payload, template, namespace, etc.) are WhatsApp-specific fields, exactly as the WhatsApp API would accept them.

List Message

List Messages are messages that include a menu of up to 10 options for users to choose from. Currently, List Messages only work with the Passthrough API. For example, you can use List Messages for:

  • A restaurant online menu
  • Appointment reservation available times
  • Available online courses

To create a list message, use the interactive object of type list. Options are listed inside an action object. The action object must contain at least one section field. You can have a maximum of ten section fields. Each section field must have at least one rows object that describes the option.


    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "content": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Sending food/drink menu to WA users"
    "override": {
        "whatsapp": {
            "payload": {
                "type": "interactive",
                "interactive": {
                    "type": "list",
                    "body": {
                        "text": "what would you like for dinner?"
                    "action": {
                        "button": "make your selection",
                        "sections": [
                                "title": "main course",
                                "rows": [
                                        "id": "taco",
                                        "title": "taco",
                                        "description": "meaty goodness"
                                        "id": "guac",
                                        "title": "guacamole",
                                        "description": "yes, it can be a main!"
                                "title": "drink",
                                "rows": [
                                        "id": "tea",
                                        "title": "tea",
                                        "description": "oolong"
                                        "id": "soda",
                                        "title": "soda",
                                        "description": "Stewart's Key Lime"

The user’s selection is returned as text, including a quotedMessage reference to the original message sent. Since the Passthrough API only stores content outside the override object, the WhatsApp syntax used in the initial request is not available.

The response payload looks similar to this:

    "app": { "id": "<appId>" },
    "webhook": { "id": "<webhookId>", "version": "v2" },
    "events": [
            "id": "614358d7cf928200cbac62b0",
            "createdAt": "2021-09-16T14:46:47.572Z",
            "type": "conversation:message",
            "payload": {
                "conversation": { "id": "<conversationId>", "type": "personal" },
                "message": {
                    "id": "<reply_messageId",
                    "received": "2021-09-16T14:46:47.572Z",
                    "author": {
                        "userId": "<userId>",
                        "displayName": "adamSmooch",
                        "type": "user",
                        "user": { "id": "<userId>" }
                    "content": {
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "taco - meaty goodness",
                        "payload": "taco-id"
                    "source": {
                        "integrationId": "<integrationId>",
                        "originalMessageId": "ABGGFDhgAzJ_AhB6mKp6TIaf9r0B5jvIj-b5",
                        "originalMessageTimestamp": "2021-09-16T14:46:47.000Z",
                        "type": "whatsapp"
                    "quotedMessage": {
                        "type": "message",
                        "message": {
                            "id": "<list_messageId>",
                            "received": "2021-09-16T14:41:11.980Z",
                            "author": {
                                "avatarUrl": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/00000000000000000000000000000000.png?s=200&d=mm",
                                "type": "business"
                            "content": {
                                "type": "text",
                                "text": "Sending food/drink menu to WA users"
                            "source": { "type": "api:conversations" }

Reply Buttons

Passthrough API Reply Buttons behave similar to Sunshine Conversations’ reply buttons where a maximum of three predetermined replies are presented. An end user can tap any or all of the buttons a single time. Once a button is tapped, the response is echoed in the conversation. Unlike Sunshine Conversations’ reply buttons, the original Reply Button message does not disappear once a button is tapped.

To use reply buttons, use the interactive object of type button. The predetermined replies are listed inside an action object. You must have at least one buttons field. You cannot add more than three buttons. Buttons must also include a type, title and id fields.


    "author": {
        "type": "business"
    "content": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Sending 3 buttons to WA users"
    "override": {
        "whatsapp": {
            "payload": {
                "type": "interactive",
                "interactive": {
                    "type": "button",
                    "body": {
                        "text": "You come to a large room with a button in the middle"
                    "action": {
                        "buttons": [
                                "type": "reply",
                                "reply": {
                                    "id": "unique-postback-id",
                                    "title": "Push the button"
                                "type": "reply",
                                "reply": {
                                    "id": "unique-postback-id1",
                                    "title": "Don't push then"
                                "type": "reply",
                                "reply": {
                                    "id": "unique-postback-id2",
                                    "title": "Schrödinger"

The user’s selection is returned as text, including a quotedMessage reference to the original message sent. Since the Passthrough API only stores content outside the override object, the WhatsApp syntax used in the initial request is not available.

The response payloaod looks similar to this:

    "app": { "id": "<appId>" },
    "webhook": {
        "id": "<webhookId>",
        "version": "v2"
    "events": [
            "id": "6143599e72ad5800cb150832",
            "createdAt": "2021-09-16T14:50:06.725Z",
            "type": "conversation:message",
            "payload": {
                "conversation": {
                    "id": "<conversationId>",
                    "type": "personal"
                "message": {
                    "id": "<reply_messageId>",
                    "received": "2021-09-16T14:50:06.725Z",
                    "author": {
                        "userId": "<userId>",
                        "displayName": "adamSmooch",
                        "type": "user",
                        "user": { "id": "<userId>" }
                    "content": {
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "Schrödinger"
                    "source": {
                        "integrationId": "<integrationId>",
                        "originalMessageId": "ABGGFDhgAzJ_AhDcs60XVOVFceznj0Re54wL",
                        "originalMessageTimestamp": "2021-09-16T14:50:06.000Z",
                        "type": "whatsapp"
                    "quotedMessage": {
                        "type": "message",
                        "message": {
                            "id": "<buttons_messageId>",
                            "received": "2021-09-16T14:50:00.405Z",
                            "author": {
                                "avatarUrl": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/00000000000000000000000000000000.png?s=200&d=mm",
                                "type": "business"
                            "content": {
                                "type": "text",
                                "text": "Sending 3 buttons to WA users"
                            "source": {
                                "type": "api:conversations"

Reserved Fields

In order to ensure the message is correctly delivered, Sunshine Conversations will automatically set some fields in the payload for you. If you supply these fields, they will be ignored and replaced.

KeyReserved Behaviour
toThe username of the WhatsApp user. Sunshine Conversations will populate this value based on the target user.

How to remove a WhatsApp deployment

When removing an on-premise WhatsApp deployment, you must first delete the WhatsApp deployment before removing the Sunshine Conversations app. If you remove the Sunshine Conversations app first, you will be unable to remove the WhatsApp deployment.

To remove an on-premise WhatsApp deployment:

  1. Delete the WhatsApp integration.

  2. Delete the WhatsApp on-premise deployment.

  3. (optional) Remove the Sunshine Conversations WhatsApp channel app.